Monday, September 24, 2012

Not The 9-11 Commission's Job


On Friday September 9, 2011 the Star Ledger newspaper and the New Jersey Performing Arts Center invited three former members of the 9-11 Commission, John Lehman (left), Former Chairman Tom Kean (center) and John Farmer (right corner) to speak about their work on the commission and their feelings about the approaching ten year commemoration of the attacks. Seated between former commissioners Kean and Farmer was Ms. Virginia Bauer, who lost her husband David Bauer in the 9-11 attacks.

The audience, estimated to be in the neighborhood of three hundred in attendance, applauded for the three commissioners as they occasionally hammed it up for the cameras. Each commissioner assured the audience that the U.S. government was completely unprepared for the September 11, 2001 surprise attacks. 

And then it was time for questions.

With each article in hand, I cited the stories about government whistleblowers below one by one and said to the commissioners "please stop saying that no one in the government knew about an imminent attack". Although, I'm certain that they will continue to repeat their lies at the next town they visit. After being rushed to get to my question, I asked the former 'investigators' why they did not hold anyone accountable in government for not acting on this information:

The Washington Times September 22, 2005 Page A.4

The (London) Independent Sunday June 6, 2004

The Guardian June 3, 2002
The three commissioners looked at each other, presumably to determine who would answer the question, and after pausing for a few seconds John Lehman responded:"It wasn't our job".

The room fell completely silent.

I am grateful at least that the event was streaming live over the internet because after that candid moment, commissoner Lehman proceeded to explain how the Able Danger information was vetted and that they determined that it "was of no validity"
The Boston Globe September 18, 2001 Page A. 21

I doubt I am the only one who feels that the commission's work is of no validity.

If you ever meet someone who cannot understand why people are pushing for a new investigation into the September 11, 2001 attacks, politely explain to them that three of the investigators who were given the job admitted a decade later to a room full of 300 people and who knows how many people listening and watching online that getting 'it' right wasn't their job...that's why America needs a new investigation. 

As for the Star Ledger newspaper, do you think that they informed their readers about the troubling admission from John Lehman? The answer heard 'round Jersey'...if you said yes, unfortunately you'd be wrong, not a word from the paper, and they will not release the video of Lehman's blunt remark. Ten years from now they will tell us that that candid moment did not happen. History is important...unless it's not your job.

All newspaper articles and photographs reprinted/photocopied not the property of this blog are used here in accordance with Title 17 Section 107 Fair Use for the sole purpose of educating the public. No ownership of works is claimed.

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