Sunday, September 14, 2014

NORAD Not Subject To FOIA?

Why Do They Receive Taxpayer Dollars If They're Not Accountable to Americans?

copied/pasted from recent email correspondence re: FOIA request for NORAD/USSPACECOMMAND
Apollo Guardian documents.

Sent: Thu, Jun 12, 2014 1:56 pm
Subject: RE: (U) [Warning: Unsigned Attachment] FOIA Request - Addendum

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

Mr. Green,

Questions can be directed to me.  My contact information is below.

To address your questions:
- Records do not transfer between NORAD and USNORTHCOM as the commands have 
separate and specific missions.

- Computer systems and files were not integrated for both commands as the 
commands have separate and specific missions.

- It was not a simple merger/acquisition.  A new Geographic Combatant Command 
was created with distinct mission authorities and only those documents directly 
related to USNORTHCOM missions were transferred.  The prior mission requirements 
of USSPACECOM were transferred to USSTRATCOM.

- All hard copy documents, originals and copies and exercise database records 
for USSPAECOM that existed were sent to USSTRATCOM.

- USNORTHCOM has no copies and/or files for the subject exercise.

- USNORTHCOM provided a "no records" response as no responsive records were 
found on USNORTHCOM systems of records.
 - NORAD is not subject to FOIA; therefore no systems of records search was 
conducted on NORAD systems.


Chief, FOIA and Privacy Act Requester Service Center NORAD and USNORTHCOM Chief 
of Staff
250 Vandenberg St, Ste B016
Peterson AFB, CO  80914-3817

Do You Know What National Security Means?

The caveat here is the harm to nation must be identified/described

National Security = defense of the nation 'or' foreign relations. In other words, in order to protect a relationship with a particular country the US government can claim it's a matter of National Security that embarrassing information about that particular country not be released. Wow! 

Only if "all" conditions are met & identified/describable
This among many other Executive Orders is used to justify prosecution of 'whistleblowers' for unauthorized disclosure
It appears maintaining relationships with foreign governments is more important than "identifying" everyone responsible for the September 11, 2001 terror attacks.

Again on the following page information "shall 'not' " be classified 'unless' harm identifiable/describable

What Did Military Officials Lie About?

Start Here January 21, 2004 9/11 Commission-SSgt. Stacie Rountree interview
Jan. 23, 2004 Col. Robert Marr -same source
Gen. Richard Myers - Feb. 17, 2004- same source

2014 FOIA Lawsuit for Release of FBI, FAA, DOD Sept. 11, 2001 Records

After years of denials, outright ignored FOIA requests and blatant violations of 5 U.S.C. 522 (the FOIA Law) a complaint was filed in Federal Court to compel release of documents sought in the FOIA requests viewable on this blog.

On June 9, 2014 my complaint was received and successfully filed. Thank you to MK for making this day possible!

Please support this effort and attend court when the date is received/announced.

Filed at Federal Court NEWARK, NJ

A website is in the works for you to be able to download a pdf copy of all documents viewed here. Please be patient as I am not a pc/tech wiz.