I want to congratulate those of you who have taken an interest in the Israeli aspect of the September 11, 2001 attacks, especially the very few who have done the research and gone further than others by requesting the High Fiver Report from the FBI. However, the full FBI Report is 5,000 pages
so there is still much we do not know. For those who want to know, I ask that you please do more than just talk about, do more than just blog about it, do more than just make videos and call in to radio shows about it! Please donate to a legal fund to sue the FBI for violating the FOIA Law, illegally refusing to release the remaining pages by applying privacy exemptions that only apply to U.S. citizens not visiting Israelis. Enough of the lip service, we can not possibly be content with having obtained nearly 600 pages when there are 4,400 pages currently kept secret, and that's just the FBI, who knows how many more the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, CIA and INS are sitting on?!